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Tips to keep teeth clean when wearing braces

Article written by Elite Dental Group.

Brushing twice daily and flossing before bed are the basic habits that help maintain healthy teeth. But after a person gets fitted with braces, it can be harder to keep teeth clean since braces tend to retain more food particles and are difficult to brush over.

The following tips will help those who wear braces maintain good oral habits.

Rinse after every meal – Brushing teeth after each meal is not recommended as it can damage teeth enamel. Instead, consider rinsing after each meal to remove food particles and freshen your breath.

Brush a little longer – Usually, dentists recommend brushing for at least 2 minutes twice daily. However, for those with braces, it can be better to brush for an extra minute, making sure all angles of each tooth are cleaned.

Remember to floss – Flossing before bed is suggested as it removes food particles from between teeth. Those who avoid flossing are at a higher risk of cavities, plaque, and tartar buildup.

Avoid certain foods – Sugary and acidic foods can damage teeth, stripping a person’s enamel. This can increase a person’s risk of developing cavities. Avoiding sugary and acidic foods while following a whole food diet will promote healthier teeth.

Be gentle – Gentle brushing can help remove food particles, stains and reduce damage. Brushing in a side-to-side or up-and-down motion can cause damage to teeth’ enamel and increase the risk of gum recession.

Brush your tongue – Tongue brushing keeps your breath fresh and removes unhealthy levels of bacteria. Those with braces are also more likely to hold more bacteria between the metal, making tongue brushing an important aspect of maintaining healthy teeth.

Dr. Andre Eliasian is one of the leading dentists in cosmetic dentistry in Glendale CA. His clinic offers several services that will help patients achieve a beautiful, healthy smile. If you are looking for oral surgery in Glendale CA or wisdom tooth extraction in Glendale call for an appointment

Health and Safety Tips for your Mattress Foam

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for good health and safety at home or at work. Each of us needs to be aware of the health issues surrounding old foam rubber. This includes your sleeping quarters. Did you know that bacteria and germs can become trapped in mattress foam? As we sleep each night, we shed skin cells. We sweat. Sometimes we spill foods or liquids on our mattress. These foreign substances contaminate it. It may begin to have an odor.

Changing your foam mattress every few years is the best answer. They’re also not all that pricey these days. Depending on the size you require, a memory foam topper can be purchased for just a few hundred dollars. This makes it affordable to sleep on a comfy, clean mattress.

Here are a few more important health and safety reminders:

Be aware of potential dangers in and around your house or workplace.

Be aware of your surroundings when walking.

Maintain a clutter-free environment.

Develop a safety mindset.

A fever indicates that you are contagious. Remain at home. Consult a physician as soon as possible.

Hand sanitizer or frequent hand washings are recommended.

Your health is vital, and getting a good night’s sleep is the first step toward good health for you and your family. Every few years, replace the mattress foam and you’ll have a new, comfortable bed to sleep in.

The Foam Factory is a wonderful website to visit if you’re looking for low-cost mattress foam. Memory foam, latex foam, eggcrate foam, standard foam, and a variety of different forms of foam are all available at inexpensive prices.

Creating Abundance in Nature and our Lives

When we search our planet, we can easily observe abundance everywhere. The Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park provide so much natural beauty and yet these are only two places out of thousands. That is just how gorgeous our world is. Furthermore, life abounds on the planet earth, and it may be found in abundance everywhere.

Every day, the cosmos shows us numerous wonders of abundance. We discover beauty everywhere, from the sky to the asteroids. Life in our world rejuvenates itself over and over. All of nature abundantly overflows.

The trees and flowers are vibrant and beautiful. The oceans are vast and magnificent. Poverty and a lack of resources are incompatible with nature. As a result, we must regard them as unnatural. They are incompatible with nature and life on our planet. Poverty should not be a part of human life.

Deprivation is a good synonym for lack. There should be no deprivation when it comes to essentials like food, water, homes, and good health. But we also need love, joy, peace, and prosperity in our souls. We can create this type of abundance and this is a teaching in the book, Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue.

Perhaps we are allowing lack to enter our lives because of faulty thinking or unhealthy habits. These are things that we have control over. We can change our attitudes and expect miracles. Every day, tell yourself and the rest of the world that you believe in miracles. For you, abundance is a way of life. Check out the book, Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue for more wisdom like this.

Should You Sign Up for Medicare or Medicare Advantage?

Due to the changing needs of patients, health insurance plans under the name Medicare have gone through a number of permutations. While many patients may be familiar with traditional Medicare plans, which of them should opt for the increased coverage of Medicare Advantage plans?

David Duel is well-versed in the particulars of Medicare, as he is the founder and CEO of California-based Medicare platform EasyHealth. He explains, “Medicare Advantage is sort of an add-on to traditional Medicare that covers recurring costs that Medicare does not cover. As long as you are already enrolled in a traditional Medicare plan, you can get Medicare Advantage from the same insurance company that provides your medical coverage.”

Traditional Medicare is more ideally suited to large one-time payments related to healthcare, while Medicare Advantage also covers recurring expenses such as prescription drugs and dental care in exchange for a monthly rate.

David Duel adds, “Some patients rack up healthcare-related expenses that are not covered by Medicare. You may not need Medicare Advantage at first, but once you notice frequent visits to the doctor or healthcare providers, you may want to consider additional insurance.”

It is important to note that you have alternatives. There may be other healthcare-related state programs that can meet your needs. Furthermore, you should also know that Medicare Advantage isn’t an answer to every type of expense you incur.

“Even after getting Medicare Advantage, there are still some things that you’ll have to pay for out of the pocket. If you want insurance that covers the things Medicare or Medicare Advantage doesn’t, you might want to look for Medigap or another type of insurance,” David Duel says.

For More info on David Duel, see https://angel.co/u/david-duel-1 and read this recent press release: USC Alumni David Duel Endows Scholarship Program to Brings Jewish Alums and Students Together

What are the Early Signs of Hearing Loss?

There can be very different signs of hearing loss and yet one of the first that you will notice is something a bit vague, but important. Sounds are easy to hear in a quiet environment. That because your ear and your brain only have a few things to focus on. Simple right? With only a few sights and sounds in a room, it’s easy to pick out the fine details. But what happens when you’re in a big room with a hundred people and there’s loud music playing?

Suddenly, your brain and your ears are trying to pick up dozens of different sounds. That’s one of the first things you’ll notice when you’re losing your hearing. Even though it seems like a very minor loss, you’ll soon find it difficult to pick out noises in a crowded room.

The brain and the ear work together to try and sort out all that is going on around you. When it gets to be too much, your brain will simply stop trying to break down the various sounds. You’ll hear them in a way that’s easier for the brain to understand. Sometimes that means that sounds will be blurred and undefined.

Normally, people find ways to adjust to these new norms. It is important though, to go in to see the doctor. Get a hearing check. Your doctor will have some advice and treatments that can prevent further hearing loss.

If you’ve been having hearing problems on a regular basis, Hue Hearing Aids can help. They’re so affordable and they can improve the quality of the sounds you hear. At HueHearing, we know that hearing loss can be unsettling. Sometimes, there isn’t one perfect solution that works for everyone. That’s why we offer a full 90-day money-back guarantee. You can read HueHearing Reviews on HearingAdvisory and decide for yourself.

The health benefits of drinking tea

Tea is a popular beverage all over the world and in some cases preferred to other beverages such as coffee. Often tea is not only consumed for its great taste, but also for its numerous health benefits. Buy Aged Pu-erh tea and get started on some of these health benefits:

Tea can reduce the risk of heart disease – Tea improves blood flow by widening the arteries and reducing blood clots. Additionally, tea has compounds called flavonoids that slow down the onset of heart disease.

Prevents tooth decay – Tea helps to maintain healthy teeth and gums as it lowers tooth decay and strengthens teeth enamel by maintaining a healthy PH level in the mouth. Antioxidants in tea, also fight against bacteria and gum disease.

Speeds up metabolism – Research suggests that tea helps burn calories as it speeds up the metabolism while its caffeine levels reduce hunger and cravings.

Boost memory – Green tea can improve alertness and memory by strengthening memory cells.

Reduces the risk of some cancers – Research is being conducted on the benefits of drinking tea and its effects on certain cancers such as prostate, mouth, and breast cancer.

Although all teas are healthy, certain teas such as green tea, black tea, and oolong tea have some added benefits. Green tea has been shown to improve liver performance and prevent arthritis by strengthening bones. Black tea, on the other hand, has been shown to reduce blood clots by as much as 30%. If you are trying to lose weight, Oolong tea is the best option as it increases the metabolism while boosting the body’s immune system. Buy your aged or antique tea supply from GenerationTea.com.

Teeth staining causes, types, and how to remove stains

Article written by Elite Dental Group

Teeth discoloration is a common dental concern, that occurs due to poor dental hygiene and over-consumption of teeth-staining drinks and foods that discolor the tooth and its enamel. There are three main types of teeth stains and they include:

Extrinsic stains – These are stains due to the consumption of food and drinks that leave a residue or build a film over the enamel. Most often extrinsic stains are caused by tobacco, coffee, tea, red wine, or cola drinks. Regular dental cleaning and whitening toothpaste will respond well to such stains.

Intrinsic stains – An intrinsic stain is a stain that has moved past the exterior tooth and settled within the enamel. One common reason for intrinsic stains is due to excessive fluoride use which is especially common in young children. Professional whitening treatments have been successful in removing such stains.

Age-related stains – As a person ages their core tissue yellows over time. In addition, their enamel will become thinner making it easier for extrinsic and intrinsic stains to occur.

To reduce teeth discoloration consider reducing the consumption of teeth-staining food and drinks. If you do smoke it is best to quit the habit as smoking not only stains teeth, but it is also the leading cause of mouth cancer.

Poor oral hygiene is also a factor of teeth discoloration. Brushing teeth twice daily with a soft-bristle toothbrush for a minimum of 2 minutes, while flossing before bed has been shown to greatly reduce surface stains.

Certain classes of medications have been shown to cause teeth staining. If you notice significant staining due to medication, it is best to speak to your doctor and look at alternative medicines that have reduced side effects.

Dr. Andre Eliasian is one of the leading dentists in cosmetic dentistry in Glendale CA. His clinic offers several services using modern dentistry procedures which are non-invasive. If you are looking for tooth whitening in Glendale or oral surgery in Glendale call for an appointment

Moving to assisted living? Here are some tips for a smoother transition

Change is never easy. And it is even harder when it’s a transition from your home to an Assisted living facility Burbank. Nothing will make it easy, but there are some things you can do to ensure that there will be limited bumps on the road. Here are a few of them:


Take the time to check out and research the facility and community to ensure it is a good fit. There is no rush to decide, so take the time and check out more than one place. The more detail you have on each place, the easier your decision will be.


Get a clear understanding about what the long term and short terms cost would look like. Take a realistic look at your own finances and look at how it would look in the middle of an economic downturn and/or bad market conditions. You need to make sure that money is not something you need to think about.


How do you make someone feel at home in an assisted living facility? First, setup the living space so it looks and feels like home. Arrange the furniture and bring in picture frames and anything else that would make it feel like their own space. Regular family visits also go a long way to making a faster transition.

Nothing about this is going to be easy, but with a few steps like the above, it can be enjoyable with limited levels of anxiety.

When searching for an assisted living facility Los Angeles, it’s important to get all the info you possibly can. Ask about pricing and whether there’s an extra charge for some services. Once you narrow down your list, then make appointments to visit several of your favourites. Look around, talk to the current residents. With a bit of legwork, you can find just the right assisted living facility Glendale CA.  

Toothbrushing mistakes and how to fix them.

Article written by Elite Dental Group

Brushing your teeth is something everyone does at least twice a day. But most people fail to brush their teeth correctly causing damage and in the long run tooth decay. Here are some common brushing mistakes that can be easily adjusted.

Using the wrong brush – A good toothbrush should reach all places that need covering. Ideally, a toothbrush should have soft bristles, which bend easily and reach right under the gum line. Although people think that hard bristles clean better, soft bristles clean as effectively while causing less damage. A good brush can be a power toothbrush or a manual brush as long as its head is big enough to reach your entire mouth.

Too much pressure – Cleaning teeth too hard will only damage your teeth and gums. Avoid the common back and forth motion and instead, massage teeth using a gentle round action.

Too rushed – Rushing the process can mean placing too much pressure while failing to brush the entire mouth. A good brush should last at least 2 minutes. Place a timer on your smartwatch or phone, to make sure you are cleaning your teeth right.

Your brush is too old – If a brush’s bristles are bent, discolored, or dirty, it is time to get rid of it. Dentists recommend changing a toothbrush every 3-4 months.

Brush the gum line – The millimeter of gum line just where a tooth meets the gum, is an important area where food particles get lodged. Gently massage this area every time you brush. Remember if your gums bleed, you are brushing too hard.

The above tips can greatly reduce the damage caused by incorrect brushing techniques and improve the health of teeth and gums.  

Elite Dental Group headed by Dr. Andre Eliasian offers its patients the best dental service in the Glendale, CA area. The clinic is well known for its cosmetic dentistry, wisdom tooth extraction, dental implants, tooth whitening, oral surgery, and more. If you are in Glendale, Burbank or neighboring cities call for an appointment.

How does telehealth improve the quality of healthcare?

Article provide by Francis Dunn, Miami, FL

Telehealth is helping many patients by offering health services in a world where Covid-19 has made visiting a doctor challenging and unsafe. But do virtual doctor’s appointments work and how do they compare with in-person appointments? here are some of the benefits telehealth has offered patients:

Treatment when you need it the most – Telehealth lets patients consult a doctor as soon as they suffer from an accident or feel ill, eliminating long travel times, lengthy waiting periods, and reducing discomfort.

Remote care – Patients who live in remote areas can greatly benefit from virtual appointments because they eliminate lengthy travel times and the risk of contracting Covid-19 when using public transport.

Reduced costs – Virtual appointments can be affordable as you will not need to take time off work, incur travel costs, pay for childcare, or spend time in waiting rooms. They are also not as expensive as in-person appointments as they do not involve the use of a hospital appointment room or nursing staff.

Improved communication – Patients may be more open with their doctor as they might feel comfortable in their own homes, resulting in them remembering vital information about their lifestyle, health, and previous medication.

Secure sharing of medical information – Telehealth services offer secure networks with privacy policies that involve the online sharing of information. As an added benefit your healthcare information is also accessible to you at any time, which means that you can keep track of your medical details for future appointments.

Francis Dunn 

Francis Dunn is based in Miami, FloridaFrancis William Dunn has the heart of an entrepreneur and has worked with successful companies such as DMDconnects. His expertise in fund raising has helped with multiple new start-ups in the healthcare and medical device sector. Francis Dunn is experienced in people development, online healthcare, executive management, and acquisitions. He is an advocate for healthy living and a caring father.

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