Who, Except the Dentist, May Be Liable for Your Dental Malpractice Case?

According to California dental malpractice attorney Dane Levy, founder of the Levy Law Firm, most dental malpractice lawsuits only sue the dentist. But sometimes, the dentist may not be the responsible party, or at least they might not be the only one responsible. In that case, the other parties involved should also be subjected to liability.
It’s important to investigate this matter properly before filing the lawsuit, Dane Levy opines. Here are some of the other people who may be involved in your dental malpractice case:
Dental hygienist: After the dentist, the dental hygienist tends to be the most common subject of liability in dental malpractice cases. Their liabilities can be of various types, including failure to uphold standards of care or infection control, failure in documentation, disclosing protected information, upcoding, and more.
Dentist’s assistant: Almost all dentists have at least one assistant to help them with all the procedures. And it’s not uncommon for the assistant’s lack of skills or carelessness to lead to the patient’s harm. Usually, if they do something harmful that the dentist did not order, then the assistant will have a higher liability.
Manufacturer or supplier of dental equipment: Dental equipment is already dangerous enough when they are functional. And if they are defective, then it can lead to even more danger. In this case, the manufacturer of the device or the supplier who damaged it during delivery could be liable.
Dental office owner: There are some special cases when the owner of the dentist’s chamber could also be responsible for improper maintenance of the chamber or something else. If you’re looking for a Los Angeles dental malpractice attorney, you can contact Dane Levy, whose years of experience and history of success may prove to be a great support for your case.