Things to Avoid Eating Before Sleep

Article Submitted by Weight loss & Skincare Products
Sleep is something that is absolutely essential to your wellbeing. It determines to a great extent how much energy we have the next day, boosts our immune system and aids with recovery from physical activity. Not getting a good nights’ sleep can be detrimental to your performance at work, or even your mood in general. As someone who watches a lot of TV after dinner, snacking is something I cannot live without. Unfortunately, snacking after dinner can cause massive issues with sleep. If you have issues with sleep and are a late night snacker, try to avoid these five foods:
High Sugar Food.
Foods high in processed sugar like chocolates and cereals are to be avoided. The sugar results in energy spikes which can make it very difficult to stay asleep, let alone actually fall asleep.
Spicy Food.
Foods that are really spicy can wake you up, making it almost impossible to fall asleep till the effects wear off.
Red Meat.
Meats like this that are high in fat take longer to digest and as such can make peaceful sleep very difficult. Stick to protein sources such as yoghurt for digestive benefits.
Canned Food.
Canned goods in general are high in Sodium, so if you must eat something out of a can, look for a low sodium alternative.
This one is quite obvious. Caffeine is a stimulant and just like the spices above, is something you really need to avoid.
Avoiding these foods alone could improve your sleep. Give it a try, this small change could make a definitive quality of life improvement.