• Things to Avoid Eating Before Sleep

    Article Submitted by Weight loss & Skincare Products Sleep is something that is absolutely essential to your wellbeing.  It determines to a great extent how much energy we have the next […]

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    Fitness Booth Camps

    Written by: Best Fat Burning Guide When you picture a physical fitness adult boot camp in your mind, chances are that it’s populated by a plethora of young blond men […]

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    10 Weight Loss Tips

    Guest post submitted by Coleanse.com.   Here we bring you 10 Weight Loss Tips that is sure to help you lose some weight. 1- Dietary control and exercise. All you […]

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    My Goals for Loosing Weight

      What is your greatest personal fear? What are you doing to overcome it? Two of my biggest personal fears are reaching my goal weight…and growing old alone. I have […]

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Cellan pill is a great product to lose weight

Are you frustrated with all those products that claim to lose weight? You are not alone. In order to lose weight you can use weight-loss drugs approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), you can use supplements that are somewhat controlled by the FDA, go on a strict diet or practice any combination of these. They all work either as an “appetite suppressant” or as fat absorbing inhibitors. The appetite suppressant comes in many forms including pills that release over a long period of time. They trick the body into believe that it is not hungry or full by increasing brain chemicals that provide the signal. Another type is fat absorbing inhibitors that block about 30 percent of dietary fat and takes 6-12 months to lose 12-13 pounds.

Here come the Cellan pills that work as a supplement to the rescue. It helps you lose weight by blocking fat absorption, reduce cholesterol in your blood stream and boost your energy level. Cellan diet pills contain African Mango that is proven to lose weight as indicated by many studies. Here are some further resources about African Mango: Dr. Michele Cellan Diet Info.

Here is a YouTube video for Cellan pills: http://youtu.be/b9AWYOgzLjk.

Strange Uses of Potassium

Potassium is generally considered as an essential mineral for proper body functioning. But aside from ingesting potassium rich foods to maintain one’s health, potassium is also used in a variety of ways. Stop minding the calories in a banana and other potassium-rich foods. Instead, get a load of all these other cool ways in which potassium is used!

  • Potassium is great for fertilizers! Grow your plants in potassium-rich soil and see the difference! The potassium ions are essential for nutrition of plants. Additionally, potassium chloride, potassium nitrate and potassium sulfate are very useful in the fields of agriculture, hydroponics and horticulture.
  • If you want glass for your windows that is stronger and can withstand more pressure, then look for toughened glass! It’s made with potassium nitrate so it’s extra durable!
  • For heart surgeons, potassium chloride is vital when performing surgeries. It is used to stop the heart when needed during situations that call for it and then subsequent resuscitation. It also a compound used in lethal injections.
  • Superoxide KO2, which is potassium and oxygen combines, is used in submarines and spacecrafts! It is used for life support. It is how oxygen is supplied to the people inside the crafts.
  • Gold and silver miners also have a use for potassium when they venture into their gold mines. Potassium cyanide is used in extracting gold and silver minerals during gold mining operations.

Potassium isn’t all about food or health. It’s also useful in a number of strange and unexpected ways!

Get That Cystocele Treated and Get On With Your life

Sometimes it can be hard to know when you should go visit the doctor’s office to have yourself examined, or if whatever is ailing you is something that can be ignored and will get better in a couple of days. It is always best to get a professional opinion as soon as you can to make sure further health complications don’t arise. Even if you think you might have a cystocele that needs to be operated on, but are too embarrassed and understandably so in order to seek medical help,  your doctor is trained to handle such affairs so you should have nothing to worry about.

                It is the ailments to our “private areas” that most commonly go without treatment, for fear of embarrassment. But the reality is that there is something wrong with your body that could be potentially threatening, and a doctor is the one person in the world who you should not be hesitant with when it comes to discussing problems with your body. You never know just how serious it might be. You could need a bladder prolapse or maybe labiaplasty surgery in order to remove your ailments. Procedures like these may sound intimidating, but truth is, doctors and surgeons have mastered far less complicated surgeries than these. The only thing you have to fear is a slight bruise to your ego because something is wrong with your body, but you are human and no human is perfect, therefore there should be nothing holding you back from the treatment that you deserve.

Counting Calories: The Three Steps to Obtain a Lean Body

Counting calories gives you an insight to the almost precise amount of calories required to get a lean body. According to my experience, this helps in setting up a healthy diet plan, a crucial factor to lose weight without triggering nutritional deficiency.  This is vital to maintain the body composition, and is more useful than timing or breakdown of calories required for losing fat. So, in this article, we shall find an answer to the question as to how many calories should one consume for obtaining a lean body via counting calories.

Before we look at how many calories, you might be wondering how one would reduce the calories this much. In fact, it is quite simple. A few replacements to the food you eat could make all the differences. You could for instance replace whole eggs with egg whites. Why? Since most of the fat in an egg is in the yolk, the calories in egg whites are quite low. The same goes for replacing regular milk with almond milk. Though there are a lot more almond milk benefits compared to regular milk.

First, determine the calories to be burned per day with the help of the formula: Body Weight x 14. However, this equation is for those who lives a sedentary lifestyle, has body fat of almost 20 to 25%, and exercises 3 to 5 times per week. Second, now calculate the calorie deficit that is triggered daily. Herein, most people take a random number, say 500 calories; but it is highly suggested to avoid this because of the risk of starvation. Rather, select a percentage gamut of 15% to 35% calories fewer than the actual calories being burned daily. Third, calculate the calories required on a daily basis.

For instance, for a man of 150 pounds and with total daily burn of 2100 (150 x 14), a 30% calorie deficit would amount to 630 calories. This means that his actual calorie intake should be calorie burned – calorie deficit, which equates to 1470 calories per day. Although health organizations have given out standard figures on how many calories to consume, it is better not eat less than your BMR (calories burned at rest).

Middleton Clinic Information of Medical Care

Article written by Taste for health

Everyone wants to be in great health in order to do that, you have to take care of your body and schedule for bodily exams on a regular basis. Visiting a Middleton Clinic you will be certain to find that your needs will be met and you should be happy with the services that are provided. It is important to find a Middleton Clinic where the specialists and staff will treat you like family and tend to your most important health needs.

Horizon Family Medical

Horizon Family Medical is a place where you would be able to count on getting the best care possible for your health needs. There are a various different locations where you would be able to find horizon family medical care; all you would have to do is search for the nearest location for horizon family medical care in your area of town.

Board Certified Family Physician

When you are seeking medical care, there are various different types of doctors to choose from and you can check out the board of family physician to see which doctors you might be interested in contacting for your own personal health needs. Below is a list of the different types of doctors that should be available when you view the Board of Certified Family Physicians:

  • Gastroenterology
  • Endocrinology
  • Chiropractic
  • Cardiology
  • Allergy/Immunology
  • Geriatrician
  • Internal Medicine
  • Nephrology
  • Primary Care Physician
  • Surgery
  • Weight Management

The above is a long list of the many medical practices that are available.

Cleaning Your Body With Cleansing Diet Recipes

Articles Submit by Ann at The Diet Solution Program Scam.

The transition stage from cleansing diet from your normal diet may bring certain changes to your body. Because of your intake modifications, you may feel certain adjustment that is happening in your body . For some, they think that bringing back the old diet may help them energize. This is wrong. The alteration phase could bring about changes in your body, but it will get used to it in a later time.

To occasionally or frequently cleanse the body, cleansing diet recipes are taken. There are different kinds of cleansing diet recipes which will help individual to detoxify. Most of the people gain fats, oils, other harmful substances and fats from the different ingestion pattern of foods that must be removed every other time.

There is cleansing diet recipe for the colon. Colon cleansing diet recipe should not be provided with processed foods. There should be a lot of fiber incorporation to hasten the elimination method. The cleansing diet recipe for the colon should also be organic. Other helpful foods, vegetables and fruits that makes colon cleansing possible. The diet for the colon promotes for healthier mucus membrane and regular bowel movement to flush out toxins from the body.

Other processes have lemon cleansing diet recipe to use. Ingredients to make this drink are 1/10 cayenne pepper and 8 ounce spring of distilled water, 2 tablespoon organic, natural maple syrup, and 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice. Your diet should have 6 – 12 glasses included in your drink. An herbal tea with laxative qualities may be taken in the evening to go along with the cleansing diet. You should also have other types of beverage apart from the drink you have in lemon cleansing diet. You can drink up water or mixed it with two teaspoons of salt in the morning.

It’s important to have a consultation first before you go take any cleansing diet recipe. They are only planned for a shorter period of time because of some deficiency in the essential nutrients. A good table of diet should be in the plan during or after your cleansing diet to still support the proper body mechanisms in you body.

How to Prepare for Your 1500 Calorie Diet

If you are thinking about going on a diet, there are several things that you should consider. One of the most important aspects of a healthy weight-loss diet is the number of calories taken in each day. The average human consumes approximately 2000 calories, which is a good estimate of the energy requirement for an active lifestyle. However, if you do not have this lifestyle it will be necessary to reduce your calorie intake to compensate for the energy that your body does not use. A good starting point may be a 1500 calorie diet, which is a number that provides a reasonable step down from the typical value.

To achieve this, you essentially have two options. You may reduce the quantity of food that you eat, which can be difficult for someone that is used to eating a regularly-sized meal. A better alternative is to force yourself to eat foods that are low in energy density. Soup is one example of this type of food, as are vegetables and fruits. The typical number of calories in a banana is about 105. For this volume of food, this is a relatively low density – a burger of similar volume often contains upwards of 300 calories!

Eating foods that are low in energy density is a way of tricking your body into thinking that it has had a full meal. The extra volume from these foods causes your stomach to expand, which gives you the feeling of being full. This makes it easier for you to say no to extra food that you have restricted yourself from eating, and has the added benefit of introducing a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals into your diet.

Make a Lifestyle Change – Even Low Calorie Alcoholic Drinks Can Make a Difference

Many people decide that they want to lose some of the extra weight that they are carrying around.  Learning details like how many calories in a banana is very useful for someone trying to lose weight. They identify a problem area on their body that they want to fix and decide to start on a diet.  There is nothing wrong with the plan to lose weight, improve one’s appearance or improve one’s fitness, but the problem is that people unintentionally look at it as short term solution for what is a long term problem.  Making this decision isn’t something that is going to be easy to fix.  A better view would be making a lifestyle change rather than going on a diet and finding some good protein shake recipes as well.

With most diets, weight is best lost if it is paired with exercise.  But after losing the weight desired, most people end the diet and most people eventually regain that weight back again.  Understanding that a “diet” is the fix is the most common misconception.  Yes, a diet does create the change desired, but continuing a diet to keep your changes is necessary.  This equates to changing your lifestyle, not to simply starting and eventually stopping a diet.  To truly do this, one has to have a great deal of discipline and realize that there is a mental change that is required as well.  A diet sounds like one is taking things away from your life.  Sometimes it can be simple changes such as drinking low calorie alcoholic drinks when you go out. Make the changes and see the difference.

Celebrities who have done Lapband Surgery

Article Submitted by My Cherry Pop Blog.

There are not too many celebrities who have had lapband surgery. However, after a little research, we found that the following celebrities have had lapband surgery done:

Sharon Osbourne: She is the wife of Ozzy Osbourne and one of the judges in TV show American’s Got Talent. In She did the surgery in 1999 and lost 125 lbs.


Ann Wilson: She is one of the sisters in the rock band Heart, who had some hits in the 80’s like “Alone.”  She underwent the Lap Band surgery in 2001 for obesity. She has lost about 75 lbs after the surgery.

Other not so famous celebrities include: Khaliah Ali, Brian Dennehy and Joe Gannascoli. There are also rumors that the following celebrities may have had it: Courtney Love, and Rosanne Barr.

The Lap Band surgery places an inflatable silicone band around the top of the stomach, creating a small upper pouch, which in turn limits the amount of food consumption and results in weight loss. To find out more about lapband surgeries, please visit Love Lap Band.

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