How Cleaning Your RV Consistently Can Save You Money

Summary: Keeping a consistent cleaning schedule can save you a ton on replacement furniture pieces and accessories.

RVs and campers, similar to your standard car, can become dirty, uninhabitable places rather quickly. However, there are ways that you can prevent this from happening. A simple change here and there can result in a massive difference that’ll save you both time and money.

Avoid Hoarding

Storing only the necessities in your RV is ideal because you’re leaving less room for you to make a mess. Most families like to overpack for trips, thinking they’ll need more food, drinks, or accessories to last the trip. Once the vacation is over however, these little pieces will likely stay in the RV for an extended period of time or until it gets taken out for another trip.

Always Prioritize Cleaning Out Food

This tip should be a no-brainer. While an RV makes for a casual place for eating and dining on the road, it can also be a hub for bacteria, mold, and dirt. Crumbs and bits of food are likely going to fall between the cracks of the seat or around the RV. If you’re lazy about it, you’ll be opening up your vehicle to bugs and other unwanted animals. This is why it’s always important to deep clean after every use, especially since it’s not an everyday vehicle. If you do need to replace certain furniture pieces, be sure to choose an established foam supplier such as The Foam Factory for example to maximize your investment.

Clean On a Consistent Basis

Taking the time to clean out your RV on a consistent basis can save you a significant amount of money. For one, replacing your RV bedding for example, isn’t cheap and it won’t do you any good to leave it there rotting. Make sure you create a monthly cleaning schedule that you can adhere to. Small tasks like vacuuming and dusting should become routine.

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